Ted Gaines: Board of Equalization, Former State Senator”“George Yang is a principled conservative who has dedicated years to strengthening the GOP in California. He will be a powerful advocate for market-based education reforms that will bring meaningful choice and greater opportunity to all students. George also understands that parents – not bureaucrats – know what is best for their children. He will ensure that parents are empowered to chart the best course for their children. George Yang is the right combination of philosophy, creativity and energy to make California a national leader in education and open every door to success for our students.” – Senator Ted Gaines”

Jeff Wang, Former Board member: New Haven Unified School District (Union City, CA)
“George is an innovative thinker who will be effective in bringing economically viable solutions to bring more education resources and services to our children.”

Art Kiesel, Former Mayor, Foster City, CA
“George can see the big picture in education.”

Jack Guerrero, Former Mayor, Cudahy, Los Angeles County, California

Vic Marani: Former Board Member: Santa Cruz City Schools District

Peter Ohtaki, Former Mayor, Menlo Park
Mark Stoker: Board Member, Big Sur Unified School District (Not pictured)